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Alliant Construction Management, Inc. provides a full set of capabilities for our clients-from pre-construction consultation through construction to occupancy permits and move-in. The value of having one organization oversee the various parties and myriad of details necessary for success cannot be over-emphasized. Scheduling becomes more precise. Efficiency is greatly enhanced. And communication is vastly improved. In addition, you have a single point of contact for any questions or issues that need to be resolved. The result: you have much better control of the final outcome when you're working with our firm. â€‹Below is a list of our Technical Capabilities.




Meeting Minutes

A meeting with all team members is conducted on a weekly basis, with the minutes being recorded and distributed. These minutes provide an itemization of: topics and issues, current status, date each issue was originally raised, date of expected resolution, and who "owns" the resolution.


Cost Control Report

The Cost Control Report establishes the overall project budget. The report is used to monitor expenditures of each line item on a monthly basis and against the overall budget. It tracks specific expenditures, lists funds remaining in the budget, and also indicates a cost-per-square foot for budgeting purposes on similar future projects.


Request For Information Log

The RFI log tracks requests for information including date received from the contractor, date sent to the architect/engineer, date received back from the engineer, date response was returned to the contractor, and current status. In addition, the log specifies when a response is required to be submitted to the contractor. The RFI log is updated weekly and is distributed to all team members as an attachment to the weekly meeting minutes.


Submittal Log

We develop the Submittal log prior to the start of construction. It identifies the priorities and dates when submittals are required. Required dates are established in conjunction with the construction schedule and allow for a resubmittal period. The Submittal log is updated weekly and is distributed to all team members as an attachment to the weekly meeting minutes.


Change Order Log

The Change Order log tracks any and all changes generated on the project including change orders, change-order requests and proposal requests. The Change Order log is updated weekly and is distributed to all team members as an attachment to the weekly meeting minutes.


Change Order Exposure Log

The Change Order Exposure log is maintained weekly and issued monthly. It identifies changes to-date, any potential or future changes, and their estimated cost. The total construction contingency amount less total changes is indicated, resulting in an accurate statement of funds available.


Master Schedule

This log is issued to the client only. The Master Schedule is updated monthly and is utilized to monitor the overall progress of the project.



Technical Capabilities


Alliant Construction Management, Inc. develops and maintains project schedules, from preliminary master schedules to extremely detailed one and two-week construction "look-ahead" schedules required on complex projects. Our schedules provide information in a clear, concise and easy-to-read format for use by both staff and management.


In addition, we develop master schedules for our projects, initially focusing on major milestones for bid and award, construction and closeout phases. Careful monitoring and regular reporting of activities against the project master schedule provide early information about overall progress. We can then follow on any potential delay issues through active communication and coordination with the architect and owner. During construction, we continue to review and monitor the progress of the contractor's schedule against milestones, and we provide recommendations necessary to avoid, minimize or recover from any delays. We have developed specific language, which has been used extensively in contract documents, requiring the contractor to follow rigid specifications in the development and maintenance of a CPM schedule that is both dollar- and manpower-loaded.


The contractor's critical path schedule is the baseline upon which we measure the ultimate progress of construction. Weekly on-site project meetings are held with the contractor, and a key element of these meetings is schedule review. We assist the contractor in updating the construction schedule and also assist in developing a recovery schedule, if necessary. We continuously monitor all schedules and enforce the provisions of the general conditions of the contract regarding project progress.


Budget / Cost Control

Our process for cost control does more than simply report the developing costs of a project. Our "cost model-to-construction" approach emphasizes the crucial importance of the budget. We take an active role in producing cost containment and value-added solutions to address the variances and issues that arise as a project progresses from program and design through construction documents. We then use these tools in active management of the "cost model-to-construction" process, coordinating the resources of the entire project team to produce results that meet your requirements and provide an open forum for discussion and decision-making among all members of the project team.


Some of the key elements in our cost control process include our estimating skills, use of a cost-control report, effective change-order evaluation, and evaluation of contractor pay requests. Our experience enables us to "look ahead" to reduce the unknown factors that can create budget-exceeding cost issues.

The cost control report is updated throughout the project, with emphasis on forecasting the projected final project cost and the projected monthly expenditures. Using this report in concert with our design review process, during the design phase, or with our Request for Information (RFI) and Change Order logs during construction, enables us to take an active role in not only identifying and analyze cost impacts as the project progresses, but also in providing alternative recommendations for keeping costs within your budget

Document Control


All of Strategic Construction Management's capabilities related to project documentation, cost estimating, scheduling, and budget reporting are computerized. Our PC's and laptop computers are equipped with state-of-the-art web-based project management software. Our software library includes tested and proven programs for scheduling, cost control, project accounting, cash flow analysis, value engineering, and project documentation.



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